Jackie Berry Reflexology
in Winterbourne and Coalpit Heath

Vertical Reflexology #01

What is Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT)?

Vertical Reflex Therapy (VRT) is also known as Vertical Reflexology. Unlike classical reflexology, VRT is briefly applied to the standing or weight-bearing upper part of the foot or hand reflexes at the beginning and end of a classical reflexology session for a maximum of 5 minutes. Vertical Reflexology can also be used as a stand-alone treatment lasting about 20 minutes.

VRT has been found to be particularly effective because the weight-bearing on the standing feet, or hands placed on a flat surface, appears to accelerate the energy to vulnerable parts of the body and enhances a classical reflexology session.

VRT was developed by reflexologist Lynne Booth in the mid-90s at the St Monica Trust in Bristol, a nursing/residential care complex for 400 older people where Lynne worked as a reflexologist. She found that she often attained better results by working on the top of the semi-weight-bearing feet of wheelchair clients as it was often difficult to access the soles of the feet. Lynne worked out all reflexes from the soles of the feet on to the top of the feet and thus worked on the body three-dimensionally. Lynne claimed that VRT's therapeutic response often appears quicker, possibly because all the anatomic nerves, and therefore the actual reflexes, become sensitised when fully weight-bearing.

Useful self-help techniques can be shown to clients for use at home during reflexology sessions.

See 'Useful Links' on the Homepage for link to the VRT website.

Vertical Reflexology #02

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